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Flies multiply very quickly, and one female is able to lay up to 600 eggs. Insects living in the environment face many threats that reduce their numbers. In addition to natural enemies, the population of flies is decimated by diseases, parasites and unsuitable environmental conditions. If it were not for this, we would face a real scourge of these flying insects in the world. Flies are found all over the world. In Poland, the housefly is the most common with its eyes having a field of view 360°.


Flies – characteristics


The insects are able to survive the winter, especially if they find shelter in the home. Despite this, in autumn they have to face many diseases that destroy their population; therefore, few individuals live to the end of winter. Flies are active in the day. At night, they rest on the walls of buildings, ceilings, or floors. Flies smell food from afar. They choose food in liquid and solid form. Before they start eating, they test with taste hairs whether the meal is suitable for consumption. The structure of the mouthparts prevents them from biting, so they take food as a result of licking. In the case of a solid form of food, flies put their saliva on it, and the enzymes contained in it make the food surface into a semi-liquid mass after a few minutes. It is this what flies feed on and thus satisfy their hunger.


The insects flying near residential buildings are most often house flies. They do not prick a person, but they cling to the body and are therefore very burdensome. They are attracted by sweat, blood and mucous membrane secretions and have no qualms about flying into the eyes and nostrils of animals. They often sit on human food, which makes them a health hazard. Their body carries many germs because they land on different surfaces during their activity. Among the microorganisms carried by them are dysentery, tuberculosis, anthrax bacteria, as well as eggs of parasites such as pinworms.




Flies get into the home through open windows, doors and crevices. If you want to protect your home from these insects, it is worth getting BROS KLIK! magnetic screen door, which protects against insects flying inside, and thanks to the sewn-in magnets it closes spontaneously after each opening. At the same time, it does not roll up and shield the entrance more effectively and accurately than traditional nets. It is extremely durable and available in black and white, in two different sizes. For immediate effect and getting rid of flies from the home, we recommend BROS Flying insect aerosol.


It is also worth checking out BROS Insecticidal Electrofumigator 3 in 1 liquid for flies, mosquitoes and ants, that is, a device with a killer fluid to combat mosquitoes, flies and ants. The product works effectively with the window open and the light on, protecting the room from insects coming from outside. We also have something for people facing flies in the vicinity of the home or on the plot. BROS Bag fly trap is a trap for monitoring the presence of flies in open areas. It contains an attractive lure and allows you to catch tens of thousands of flies in a short time. The trap is effective against most species of flies found in Poland.

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Boxwood moth

Literally in a few days it can destroy a boxwood perennial bush. We can observe them in our gardens only since the beginning of the millennium. As a fairly young invasive species in Europe, it does not yet have a natural enemy in our country, which allows it to wreak havoc on boxwoods on a very large scale. This also facilitates the frequent release of new generations of up to 3 per season. New scientific observations indicate that our native small predators such as tits and sparrows are more and more willing to expand their diet to include larvae of this insect, which gives hope that maybe in a few years they will pose a real threat to this pest.


Boxwood moth – Cydalima perspectalis


This is an invasive species of butterfly from the fantail family native to Asia which can be found most often on evergreen and small-leaved boxwoods. Adults come in two types of coats: white coloration with a brown wing and completely light brown with a purple sheen and a white spot in the shape of a crescent.


The butterfly lays eggs on the underside of healthy leaves inside the boxwood bush in groups of 10 to 30. The eggs have a diameter of about 1 mm and are attached to the leaves with a slimy substance. The larvae are only 1-2 mm long after hatching! The pupa even grows up to 2 cm in length. The individual is green at first, and the older it gets, the more it turns brown, and its head turns black. Subsequently, it pupates into a butterfly, whose wingspan reaches up to 4 cm, which gives it the title of the largest representative of its species in Europe.


The most damage in boxwood rows is caused by larvae. The youngest eat exclusively the delicate upper part of the leaf. The older ones eat them practically entirely, not sparing the young shoots of the plant. This uncontrolled appetite leads to defoliation, i.e., the loss of all leaves, making the plant wither. In our weather conditions, an adult moth can produce from two to three new generations. In Asia, in warmer climatic conditions, this figure is even twice as high! Butterflies fly within a range of 5-10 km from the site of transformation into imago.


Combating the boxwood moth


There are several ways to fight the boxwood moth. The most commonly used method is to collect caterpillars directly from the branches or to pour water under pressure over the bush, which causes them to fall to the ground. Then the larvae are collected and neutralized. Pheromone traps for the boxwood moth are also often used, which prevent adult individuals from getting out of it, thanks to which they cannot copulate and lay eggs on shrubs.


To date, the most effective way to combat the boxwood moth is by chemical methods. Bros Mospilan 20 SP acts on the moth in contact and on the stomach. It is necessary to dissolve the blue powder in water in the proportions specified in the instructions for use and spray, not forgetting that the formulation reaches even the deepest branches. It is good to perform this procedure preventively in March, because young larvae of boxwood moths from the last generation in a given season, covered in a cocoon, can survive the winter until the next year.

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Cockroaches live in a flock, and their reproduction is favoured by high temperature. The female is able to give birth to up to 200 young individuals during one season. Contrary to popular belief, their colonies do not spread in any direction. As can be seen from observations carried out in New York, these insects are relatively strongly attached to their territory and try not to leave the places where they grew up. Under the right conditions, they can survive up to 2 years, and their survival is favored by the fact that they are omnivores. Despite this, the lack of food and water is not a problem for them – they may not eat for up to 40 days and have no access to water for up to 2 weeks.


Cockroaches – general information


Cockroaches are dark brown flat-bodied insects. They efficiently climb rough surfaces, and long legs allow them to run fast. The body of an adult individual is covered with a hard cover and can measure up to 3 cm. Females are usually larger than males. There are antennae and mouthparts on the heads of these insects. Males of cockroaches have wings on their body; however, they do not use them to fly. They are only used for belaying when jumping and moving from place to place.


Cockroaches are a synanthropic species. This means that they have adapted to live in an environment strongly altered by man. They like dark, dirty and damp corners, and their activity falls on the night. The food of cockroaches is everything that these insects can find near human habitation namely fruits, vegetables, meat, carrion, paper and even excrement. During feeding these insects walk on contaminated crevices, garbage cans or sewers. Then they walk around the food produce in the home. In this way, they spread dangerous microorganisms and allergens with which people may come into contact.


Cockroaches and their control


Ignoring the presence of these insects can lead to rapid colony growth. How do you prevent the appearance of cockroaches in the home? For this purpose, it is worth regularly cleaning the home, with particular emphasis on hard-to-reach places in the kitchen and bathroom. You should also remember to secure leaking pipes, which create an ideal place for cockroaches. It is necessary to act differently when insects have already found themselves in the home. Then, in addition to using professional disinfestation, you can reach for insecticides available in stores.


Effective control of these insects is provided like chemical insecticides, such as BROS Cockroach gel, which remains effective for up to 3 months. The content of the fluorescent substance in the composition causes the formulation to glow under ultraviolet influence, which allows you to monitor the presence of these insects. The agent is easy to use thanks to a special syringe for precise application and fights both adults and nymphs.

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The overall number of mosquitoes depends, among other things, on factors prevailing in the environment. The reproduction and development of insects is favored by high temperatures, frequent storms, rainfall and flooding. The larvae grow in water, which is why it is in the wetlands that you can come across the most representatives of the species. Despite the various techniques of mosquito control, they must not be eradicated completely. They are an important element of the food chain in fish, reptiles, bats and birds. Their larvae, in turn, filter water, playing an important role in the aquatic environment.


Mosquitoes – characteristics


There are almost 50 species of mosquitoes in Poland. These insects have wings located on a slender body, the total length of up to 6 mm. They are particularly active at dusk and contrary to appearances, do not fly very well. Their wings make a characteristic buzz, which is caused by rapid movement and during flight they can hit the air about 600 times per second.


Mosquitoes have the ability to reproduce quickly. Females are able to lay up to two thousand eggs, with a life expectancy of only a few weeks. It is they who feed on blood, and the food of males is, in turn, plant juice and microelements contained in water. Unlike their partners, males die soon after copulation, so they live short lives.




Mosquito bites can be dangerous because these insects carry numerous diseases. Depending on the place of occurrence, these insects spread malaria or dengue disease. An insect bite also causes discomfort, and at the site of the prick there is a slight swelling and itching sensation.


Help in repelling mosquitoes is provided by BROS Mosquito and tick aerosol. This formulation has a convenient form of spray, which facilitates even application. The product protects not only against mosquitoes, but also ticks, blackflies and tiger mosquitoes. People looking for products with a high concentration of DEET should reach for BROS 50% DEET Mosquito and tick pump spray which has a very long duration of action of up to 12 hours for mosquitoes and 9 hours for ticks.


In addition to this, you can opt to fight mosquitoes in your environment. At home, it is worth doing this with BROS Liquid refill for mosquito plug-in vaporizer that is an electrical device that releases an active substance that fights mosquitoes. Repelling insects in open areas will be facilitated by BROS Mosquito coil and BROS Insect spray for terraces and balconies.

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Two species of martens are common in Poland, that is the pine marten and the domestic marten. The first of them lives mainly in forests, the second chooses the vicinity of human habitation. These animals are great tree climbers. In this case, the pine marten has a better developed skill, and is able to jump between branches even at a distance of 3.5 m. Both species have well-developed senses, are agile and fast. They feed on rodents, carcasses, plants, birds and their eggs. They lead a nocturnal lifestyle, and individuals living close to humans can do a lot of damage. We are talking about gnawed wires in cars or damage in attics.


Pine and domestic marten – characteristics


Martens belong to the weasel family. Species occurring in Poland can be distinguished from each other by the colour of the spot located on the chest. In the domestic marten it is white, and in the pine marten it is yellowish. These animals are good swimmers, but they avoid water. The length of the slender body measures approx. 40-50 cm. The pregnancy of the female lasts up to 9 months, and during the year one litter with 3-5 cubs appears. Martens live about 10 years. In free environment, their natural enemies are large predators being eagles, eagle owls and even dogs.


The pine marten is interchangeably called a baum marten, while the domestic one a stone marten. The first seeks shelter in empty hollows – usually these are nests abandoned by birds of prey and squirrels. The second inhabits not only hollows and piles of wood, but also outbuildings, attics and other hiding places located close to human buildings. In large cities, it can be found, among others, in church attics.


Martens – ways to scare them away


Martens are one of the more persistent pests for man. These animals sneak into outbuildings, where they steal eggs, kill poultry and rabbits. Domestic martens usually bite more prey than they need to eat at any given time. Some of these pests get under the hoods of cars and gnaw through the wires located there. Others wreak havoc in attics, destroying roof insulation or scratching holes in building facades. These small animals cause a lot of trouble, so it is worth scaring them away as soon as possible.


To fight martens, we recommend BROS Marten repelling liquid, which effectively repels these pests with its smell. It can be used indoors, in vehicles and in open areas and lasts up to 8 weeks. BROS Marten repelling aerosol will also be a way to drive away martens. The product not only scares off these small animals, but also protects against the harm caused by them. It is irreplaceable for the protection of cables and vehicles, but also for attics, and garages. The spray is extremely efficient and convenient to use and works for up to 8 weeks.

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Blackflies are daytime active insects. They attack people, cattle, horses and pigs. They are a nuisance, and in addition to persistent interference, they leave wounds on the skin after bites. In the 1920s they caused the death of several thousand cattle in Romania. In humans, in very rare cases, the development of harara occurs, which threatens especially infants. This is a poisoning of the body, which is caused by the toxic saliva of insects. It is worth knowing that biting blackflies is the domain of females, and it is they who drink the blood needed for reproduction. Males are harmless and feed on the nectar of flowers and the juices of plants.


Blackflies – characteristics


Blackflies usually measure 3-4 mm in length; however, some individuals grow up to 6 mm. Their body is gray. About 50 varieties of these tiny insects live in Poland, and they often find shelter in dense bushes. Most individuals are found in the period from mid-May to early June, but their activity is observed throughout the year. The reproduction of these insects occurs in water, and they choose exclusively rivers and prefer a clean environment. During her several weeks of life, the female lays up to 500 eggs. The life expectancy of the male is only a few days.


The food of blackflies are the remains of plants and animals, as well as feces. As a result of food, insects’ clean watercourses and large rivers, therefore, despite their nuisance, they are considered useful. They can be found in groups and pose the greatest threat in the afternoon and early evening. The bite of a blackfly usually ends up with redness, itching of the skin and pain. Some people are allergic to insect venom, which automatically exacerbates symptoms after a bite.


Combating blackflies


The basic protection against blackflies is covering the body. If possible, it is worth avoiding short clothes while staying by the water, where the insects feed. In the home it is worth installing a window net, which will partially prevent unwanted guests from getting inside. In order to combat them in indoor areas, we recommend mechanical and chemical means of protection.


The first is BROS Insect killer lamp, which fights not only blackflies, but also common flies, mosquitoes and wasps. It is harmless to humans and pets and very effective thanks to the combined action of UV radiation and a blatant mesh. The lamp protects a room with an area of up to 16 m².


In addition, BROS DUO-DECOR Insect strip will also work well, effective up to 4 months. The product begins to act immediately after unpacking, gradually releasing the active substances. The subtle, elegant pattern combined with the discreet colour make the strip fit into any room. Owners of outbuildings can try to catch blackflies with Bros Curtain sticky paper with non-drying glue and a large sticky surface. The product is suitable for use in livestock buildings, utility buildings and warehouses and does not contain insecticides.

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Hornets are the largest insects of the wasp family in Poland. Contrary to appearances, they avoid the presence of people, but despite this, they can be found close to houses and gardens. They are calm, but dangerous, because, like wasps, they can sting. Despite popular belief, however, they are not able to kill a healthy, non-allergic person after one bite, especially if the attack did not take place in the neck or mouth area. However, injecting venom into an allergy sufferer or into a healthy person’s esophagus can lead to anaphylactic shock, breathing problems and even death. Keep this in mind.


Insects – appearance, food and occurrence


Hornets are very easy to recognize. They have a yellow-black body coloration that makes them similar to wasps. In contrast, however, they are definitely larger – the queen’s body can be up to 3.5 cm long. Insect nests are often located in the crowns of trees, but also in abandoned hives, in the attics of outbuildings or residential buildings. Unlike wasps, hornets are not lured by sweets. Insects, on the other hand, react strongly to ripe fruits, especially pears, apples and grapes. They also eat lilac, birch and willow juices and can hunt other insects.


Hornets are relatively peaceful and, in most cases, do not attack when not provoked. In the presence of a passing insect, it is necessary to behave with caution and not to make sudden movements. It is also worth avoiding approaching the nests, because hornets are able to attack if they feel threatened. The sting is more painful than a wasp bite, which is due to the larger size of the sting and the greater content of toxins. In addition to pain and swelling, headache or fever may appear after a bite.


What do you do if hornets appear in the house or garden?


Getting rid of hornets yourself is possible primarily at the stage of a nest being established by these insects. This usually happens in May or early June. Flying pests can be treated with special products, used to liquidate their hiding places. We recommend above all the BROS Automatic wasp & hornet aerosol with a 1.5 m hose.


Together with a special mounting bracket, they minimize the time spent near the nest. The product helps to fight hornets and wasps, as well as their nests in hard-to-reach places, such as attics, wall interiors, places under tiles, suspended ceilings or interiors of blinds. The can empties automatically when the valve is pressed, and the formulation works up to a few days after application.

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Snails can be noticed mainly in the evening or at night. During the day they leave their hiding places, especially after rain. Although many species live in water, in Poland individuals living on land are especially troublesome. Their presence in the garden means damage to crops. Not only do these pests attack vegetables, but also trees and shrubs. They gnaw the leaves and leave longitudinal holes on them. The presence of snails betrays streaks of bright mucus, which appear along the paths along which these pests roam. Near the crops you can come across both naked and shelled snails.


Shelled and naked snails – characteristics


Snails are active during cold and rainy times of the day, usually at night. Species with shells do not tolerate drought and when it occurs, they seal themselves in their shells and do not move. Nude species, on the other hand, look for damp and dark places where they can take refuge. They can be found under boards, in composting bins or tall grass. Interestingly, both too dry and very moist soil are unfavorable for the development of naked snails.


There are about 150 species of snails in Poland i.e., individuals occurring both on land and in water. The young of the shelled species hatch from the eggs and possess the shell primordial. As they mature, their appetite for plants increases, which form the basis of the pest’s diet. Although they feed mostly on the leaves of vegetables, shrubs and trees, they also attack the roots of carrots and beetroot.


Combatting snails


Naked snails are considered larger pests than the species with a shell. Fighting them can be done in many ways, and the most painstaking method of dealing with the pest is to manually collect them and move them to a place away from crops. Faster effects are provided by special formulations that affect the snails and help in their eradication.


In some agricultural crops and ornamental plants, BROS Snacol 5GB can be used in the field and under cover. This is a granulated bait with gastric and contact action, which is designed to combat snails. Thanks to the addition of enticing substances, it attracts snails and effectively eliminates them. The product contains a bitter substance to prevent accidental ingestion.


In addition, BROS Vitrol can be used to combat naked and shelled snails in home and allotment gardens. The product can be used in the presence of dogs, cats and other pets. It is attractive for snails and resistant to rain. Pests perish in their hiding places, so that in the protected area you cannot see mucus and dead snails. The formulation is broken down into phosphorus and iron, which naturally occur in the soil and nourish plants.

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Bedbugs feed on blood and are able to drink more than their own body weight. They avoid the light and hunt their victims at night, while they sleep. Although they are not only a human parasite and also attack other mammals, birds and even domestic reptiles, humans are a particularly attractive host for them. They provide them with food, warmth and shelter. Larvae of these parasites are able to take blood even a few hours after birth. Their presence in the house betrays a specific smell that resembles rotting raspberries.


Characteristics of these parasites


This bug has a flat and oval body being reddish-brown in colour. It measures about 4 mm in length and width. The insect is equipped with a prickly-sucking mouthpiece that is used to pierce the skin. The population is growing relatively fast. During her life the female lays several hundred eggs and places them in safe places, such as picture and mirror frames, hollows of upholstery, or nooks and crannies of furniture. An adult individual can survive up to 2 years in temperate climates with food intake once a week.


Bedbugs leave characteristic white traces of bites on the body of the host. They are usually not painful, but after a while they begin to itch. Contrary to appearances, parasites do not spread infectious diseases. Most often they feed in the vicinity of human sleeping places. They can be found behind wallpaper, in the crevices of furniture, beds, couches, furniture connectors and in electrical sockets. Parasites leave hard-to-remove spots, which are their feces, in areas where they have been present.




In order to prevent the nesting of bedbugs in the apartment, it is worth sealing the gaps with which parasites could get from neighboring rooms. You should also take care of interior cleanliness, paying attention to gaps, folds of the upholstery, or free spaces within the frames of the paintings and behind the paneling. It will also be useful to change bedding frequently and vacuum beds, mattresses and couches.




If the presence of bedbugs in the home is found, it is worth combating them. This is best done using BROS 007 microencapsulated bedbugs and silverfish insect pump spray, which can be used in homes. The formulation has a modern form i.e., microcapsules make the active substance enclosed in them release gradually. The agent begins to work after approx. 3-4 hours after application and remains effective for up to 12 weeks. At the time of contact of the insect with the sprayed surface, the microcapsules attach to its body and are transferred to the nest and to other individuals that have not had direct contact with the formulation. This mode of action, the so-called “domino effect”, makes it possible to eliminate this entire insect population.


You can also try BROS Running insect aerosol. The product effectively fights crawling insects such as cockroaches, German cockroaches, ants and bedbugs. It comes in the form of a spray, thanks to which it is able to reach hard-to-reach places. It works particularly well in gaps located at skirting boards, places behind the stove and under the sink.

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There are many species of wasps in the world which include common and roof wasps. These insects create nests of shredded wood, dried leaves or moss, which under the influence of their saliva turn into paper pulp. Each wasp performs an assigned role in the colony. Queens give birth to offspring, drones fertilize females, while workers collect food, and protect and care for the young. The body of the wasps has a characteristic yellow-black coloration, and the abdomen ends with a sting. These insects are irritated by the smell of perfume, and for the emission of an unpleasant smell on them they are able to sting the victim even several times.


Wasps – characteristics


Wasp nests are formed in the ground or are attached to trees and walls of buildings. They have one entrance, and inside there is a patch with cells into which eggs are laid. Wasps do not accumulate stocks. They eat fresh food, which is usually nectar, plant juices, ripening fruits, as well as hunted insects. The fertilized female winters in moss, under stones, in the bark of trees or crevices of buildings, and in the spring, she establishes a nest. The drones and workers do not survive the winter, which is why the colony disintegrates after each season. Wasps do not occupy the old nest in the spring.


Venomous arthropods


These insects are among the most venomous arthropods in Poland. Females possess long stings, thanks to which they are able to repeatedly sting their victims. At the site of the bite, pain, redness and swelling appear. Insect attacks are especially dangerous for allergic people, but the death of a healthy person is also possible, especially if the sting is in the area of the esophagus, which threatens suffocation. Wasps are irritated by sudden movements, as well as smells of cosmetics. They can become aggressive when they notice very bright colours or dark shades. They also attack when their nest is threatened.


Combatting wasps


It is worth preventing the appearance of wasps in the surroundings of the home. Their presence is not only the risk of stings and persistent flying, but also contact with germs, which are transmitted on the body of insects from carrion, feces and debris. So, it is good to monitor sheds, places under roofs or gazebos and if you notice the beginning of a nest, you should immediately remove it.


It is also worth protecting the windows of homes against insects getting inside. BROS Window net, which protects the rooms against insects coming from outside, will be useful for this. The kit includes self-adhesive Velcro for mounting the mesh, and small meshes prevent pests from entering the home.


It is worth using BROS Wasp & hornet aerosol in order to eliminate nests. The spray allows spraying from a distance of up to 5 m, which provides great convenience of use. BROS Automatic extinguisher for wasps and hornets will also come in handy, especially when the nests are located in hard-to-reach places such as suspended ceilings and attics. The can is emptied automatically when the valve is pressed, and thanks to the long hose and special mounting bracket, the time spent near the nest is kept to a minimum.

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There are nearly 3 thousand species of moles in the world. Two types of these insects are particularly troublesome for people living in Poland. It is about the corn borer, commonly called the food moth and the hairworm moth, i.e., the so-called clothing moth. In both cases, the larvae are the main cause of damage occurring in homes. After pupation into adults, these insects cease to feed completely and do not cause further damage.


Food moths – life cycle and ways to fight pests


Food moths are found in places where food is stored. They feed on loose, dry products such as flour, groats, sugar or dried fruit. They also appear in cereals, pet food and even walnuts. Hatched larvae usually feed for several weeks. During this time, they leave their excrement and thin yarn resembling cobwebs on food. Adult food moths have wings, and their body measures 8-10 mm.


The first signal to combat food moths should be numerous threads that will appear on food products. Pay attention to them, especially after returning from the store and for preventive purposes, pour the purchased products into clean containers. After observing food moths in the kitchen, it is worth reaching for dedicated traps. The BROS Indianmeal moth trap will be helpful, and it attracts male moles and thus allows you to monitor their presence in places where food is stored. A sticky strip can be used near food products; it is odorless and works for up to 3 months.


Clothing moths – characteristics and methods of combating


Clothing moths are slightly smaller than food moths, and their body has a yellowish colour with white wings. Their food is wool, leather, and occasionally also feathers and plastics, i.e., materials present in wardrobes, attics and warehouses. The female lays eggs near her food, and after a few days or weeks larvae appear and they are the ones wreaking havoc in wardrobes. Larvae of clothing moths can live from 35 days to even 2 years, and after pupation into an adult individual only about a month.


Noticing the presence of clothing moths is more difficult than with food moths. Larvae are more difficult to observe, so usually the first warning against these pests is the appearance of adult individuals. Therefore, it is worthwhile regularly monitoring the presence of moths in the closet with the help of BROS Moth hangers 4 seasons, which provide year-round protection against these pests. The products fight moths at all stages of development, such as eggs, larvae and adults. At the same time, they do not leave marks on clothing and protect clothes from pests.

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Voles feed in the evening and at night, but they can also be seen during the day. In appearance, they resemble mice, however, unlike them, they do not appear in homes and garages. Easy access to food prompts these small rodents to establish nests closer to human habitation. Therefore, in addition to forests, wastelands and meadows, voles live in gardens, orchards and plant nurseries. Their body is covered with dense fur and reaches up to 15 cm in length, with a 5 cm tail. These rodents build underground corridors, and in addition to efficient movement under the surface, they are able to climb tree trunks and branches.


Voles – characteristics


Individual species of these rodents inhabit Europe, Asia and North America. In Poland, red voles in light gray coat with red hairs are particularly common. These animals feed on plant rhizomes, seeds, buds, shoots, bark and even insects and earthworms. Their nests are located underground or in rotten trunks. The period of reproduction of rodents falls on warmer months. It usually starts from spring and lasts until autumn. During one pregnancy, several cubs, from 3 to even 8, are born. Voles do not hibernate, and in the cold months their food is woody parts of plants and supplies accumulated in the nest.


How do you distinguish a vole from a field mouse?


Due to the similarity in appearance, the vole and the field mouse are often confused with each other. However, they can be distinguished by knowing several features characteristic of both rodents. The vole has a shorter tail, smaller ears and shorter paws than mice. Its fur, on the other hand, is softer and denser. Voles avoid human settlements, preferring gardens and plots. Accordingly, the rodent encountered in the garage, outbuilding or the home will most likely be a mouse. The presence of the vole is betrayed by the corridors hollowed out underground. In this case, they can be confused with the destruction caused by the mole, but voles do not build mounds, which distinguishes them from moles.


Damage caused by voles


The occurrence of these pests in the garden or on the plot is evidenced by corridors hollowed shallowly underground. Their presence is also betrayed by bitten plant roots and tree bark. If vole activity is found, it is worth taking steps to limit the damage caused. The occurrence of rodents in the garden is troublesome for several reasons. Not only do they destroy flowers, shrubs and trees, but also carry a virus that is dangerous to humans like hantavirus, which can cause high fever or impaired kidney function in humans.


How do you drive away these pests?


Voles do not like dense soil. They prefer to dig their tunnels in not very compact substrate or mulch, therefore, by laying a small layer of mulch on the bed, you can cause these rodents to leave the garden. They will not have a warm, pleasant hiding place in it.


Voles feed on plant bulbs and tree bark among other. The protection method against these pests will therefore be the establishment of orchard casings on crops which will protect the plants from nibbling and further destruction. In addition, you can place plants in your garden that voles do not like. These rodents avoid garlic, mint, spurge or mustard among other.


It is also worth monitoring the presence of vole tunnels in the garden. If there are a lot of them, you can dig up the ground to make it difficult for these rodents to move along previously prepared paths.

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Ticks are hungry most of their lives. Although the likes of ants, beetles and mice feed on them, their population is very large. The oldest traces of ticks were found in fossils from 99 million years ago. As a rule, no species of tick is a direct parasite of man. Despite this, the meadow tick and pasture tick pose a real threat to humans. A parasite bite is associated with the risk of infection with microorganisms causing Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis.


Ticks – general characteristics


These parasites inhabit a wide geographical area, including, above all, tropical zones. So far, about 900 species of these arachnids have been distinguished in the world, of which over 20 types appear in Poland. Their period of activity begins in spring and lasts until the end of October.


The place of natural existence of ticks are meadows, fields and forests, but more and more often they can also be found in our gardens and urban green areas. The migration of hosts is a probable cause of the occurrence of ticks close to human settlements. Roe deer, elk and rabbits appearing in cities, as well as cats and dogs carrying parasites on their bodies, make it easier for ticks to form clusters close to people.


Ticks feed in the day and seek food at any stage of development as a larva, nymph and adult. For the transformation to take place, they need a lot of energy and nutrients that they find in the blood of their victims. Under the right conditions, these parasites can survive for up to 3 years. Males die immediately after copulation, and females soon after laying eggs.


How do ticks look for hosts?


Contrary to popular belief, ticks do not jump on people and animals from trees or shrubs. Although they can be found on tall plants, the way of choosing a host is slightly different. Interestingly, parasites do not use their eyes for this – some species of these arachnids are completely blind, and yet they have no problem finding their prey. It turns out that ticks locate a potential host using the so-called Haller’s organ, i.e., a specific organ of smell located on the legs. It is used, among other to sense temperature changes in the immediate environment, or to detect the presence of carbon dioxide exhaled by the host. Thanks to this, the parasite knows about the approaching victim, and when it is close enough, the tick crawls on its body. Then it looks for a soft and well-supplied piece of skin, and then painlessly digs into it. In humans, these are often the groin area, knee bends or the skin behind the ears.


Dangerous parasites


An adult tick stays on the host’s body for up to several days, increasing the size of its body almost 300 times. Removing the parasite is difficult, and the prick itself can provoke a dangerous disease. Ticks are considered one of the largest vectors of infectious diseases. A parasite bite can cause bacteria and viruses that cause diseases such as Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis, Q fever or tularemia to enter the body. Although the tick bite itself is not painful, after a while redness and itching may appear in its place. However, this is not the situation in every case and sometimes no traces remain after the bite.


What do you do if you notice a tick on your body? In such a situation, it should be removed as soon as possible. Contrary to popular belief, the parasite must not be lubricated with butter or oil but pulled out using tweezers or a special BROS Card for removing ticks. It is also worth using parasite repellent formulations intended for humans and animals. For personal protection, you can use BROS Mosquito and tick aerosol, and for the comfort of pets, we recommend HAPPS Tick & flea trigger spray for pets. The substances contained in the formulations repel ticks and thereby reduce the risk of bites.

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The ant colony is, in fact, a carefully ordered society, and its members perform strictly defined functions. The duty of the queen is to lay eggs. In turn, the workers are engaged in collecting food, building a nest, caring for the young and defending the colony. Drone ants, on the other hand, are responsible for reproduction. Some species of ants possess stings. Their venom is not particularly dangerous for a healthy person, as long as he or she does not have allergies. Pain and redness may appear in the area of the bite, and the symptoms disappear after a few hours.


Description and occurrence of ants


The slender body of ants is characterized by a large head and a narrow torso. During mating, males and the queen have wings, but lose them after fertilization. Working ants live up to 7 years. Although there are many species of ants, the queens of many of them copulate only once in their lives, while laying eggs until death. Depending on the type, they survive from one year to even 15 years. In one colony there can be only one or thousands of queens. Most often, anthills contain 10-30 females performing this role. The life of drone ants is short and ends after copulation.


Ants eat plant and animal foods among other, and some species are predatory – they hunt spiders and insects. They live in symbiosis with aphids. They are able to ‘breed’ a colony of aphids, which provides them with honeydew rich in sugar. In return, they defend their allies from predators. Ants inhabit characteristic anthills or nests but are also found elsewhere. They live in wooden structures, nests dug in the ground or in the crevices of buildings. Their presence close to the dwellings of man is not welcome.


Means to combat ants


Some species of ants destroy wood, others uncover the roots of plants and cause the soil to dry due to the expansion of nests. Some gnaw holes in the buds of flowers or destroy them completely – especially if they secrete sweet nectar. In search of food, ants make their way into our homes, offices and industrial buildings. They are a nuisance for gardeners because they grow aphids harmful to plants.


If you notice insects in the vicinity of your home and garden, it is worth sprinkling cinnamon or coffee. Ants do not like these smells, so they avoid places that emit an unpleasant smell for them. The use of special formulations that fight insects will also be effective.


We recommend BROS Ant powder, which is used to eliminate ants and their nests. The agent can be used indoors and on terraces, driveways, paths and gazebos. It is intended for use in powder form or after being dissolved in water.


In addition, it is worth getting BROS Mrówex ant killer in bait box, a biocidal gel in a feeder. It can be used indoors and outdoors. The feeder protects the poison from rain and access by children and animals. It works up to 4 weeks and combats whole colonies of ants along with the queen.


It is also worth trying Bros 007 for ants in a convenient form of microencapsulated ant control liquid. The product is intended for use in homes, utility rooms and outdoors. It works for up to 12 weeks, and microcapsules with liquid are carried by ants into the nest, thanks to which the entire population is liquidated.

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Moles feed on insects, larvae, small mammals and even frogs. They are practically blind and are able to locate prey thanks to their well-developed hearing and vibration-sensitive sensory hairs on their face and tail. The underground tunnels of these small mammals are actually carefully thought-out labyrinths. They have nests lined with moss and places to store food. The length of one corridor system can reach up to 1 kilometre. Moles are solitary and do not live in packs and are active especially in the morning and that’s when they form the most mounds.


Moles – general characteristics


The mole’s body measures from 15 cm to about 20 cm. They are covered with thick fur that feels like velvet. At the end of the spade-shaped paws there are claws, which, thanks to the backward bend, are adapted to digging underground tunnels. Burrows are usually formed at a depth of 20 to 50 cm below the ground surface. The diameter of a single tunnel is only 6 cm, and the speed of in which it is dug is estimated at 12 – 15 m per day. After excavating the corridors, moles patrol their territories once every few hours.


These small mammals inhabit Europe and Central Asia. In Poland, they are partially protected and can be found in fields, meadows, orchards, gardens and on the edges of deciduous forests. Excess earth created when drilling corridors is pressed into the walls of tunnels or is used to build a characteristic mound.


The female mole gives birth from 2 to 7 cubs. After a few weeks, they leave the family nest and start a solitary life. Moles do not hibernate and spend the frosts in underground corridors. They are able to live up to 4 years.


A pest worth scaring off


The presence of a mole on the plot or in the garden is undesirable by most people. During its activity, the mammal forms holes, and these worsen the appearance of the lawn or make it difficult to grow on a flower bed. Excavation of underground passages also causes the destruction of plant roots, which significantly weakens them. In addition, the presence of a mole is associated with a decrease in the number of beneficial earthworms in the soil, which contribute to its loosening.


You can use several products to scare away a mole from your plot. A mechanical way to catch pests is BROS Mole trap. It is placed directly in the underground corridor, and a practical siren informs you when a mole is caught. The pest can then be moved to a safe place away from the garden. Another way to scare off moles is BROS Sonic. The device chases away pests with the help of emitted sounds that provoke vibrations. When placed in the ground, BROS Sonic is practically invisible, and its action causes pests to leave the area of propagation of sound signals.

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Aphids can have different colorations with green and black ones being especially common, but these small insects also come in red, yellow and orange. Their friend is the ant that feeds on honeydew left by these pests on plants. Cases have been observed when ant colonies “bred” aphids and protected them from predators. The natural enemy of aphids are ladybirds. During the day they are able to eat up to several hundred of these small insects. Aphids breed several times a year, and sometimes this happens without the presence of males. Females are able to give birth to larvae even without fertilization by males.


Characteristics and methods of combating


There are several thousand species of aphids in the world, and in Poland there are almost 700 genera. These pests are found mainly in temperate climates. They live in groups and can be found on cultivated plants, cereals, flowers or fruit trees and shrubs. Some aphids have wings, thanks to which they can migrate between hosts.


After settling on the plants, the insects literally suck the juices out of them, making the leaves weaker and, as a consequence, they may start to fall off. Insects excrete excess sugars from the body directly onto the plants they feed on. The honeydew left on the leaves creates a substrate for the development of fungi. Over time, they form a barrier that reduces the plant’s ability to photosynthesize. Aphids also carry viruses. Winged individuals migrate from place to place, leaving harmful microbes on the new host. If an infected plant lacks natural resistance, the entire crop can be destroyed.


Combatting aphids


These pests are difficult to eradicate, but there are ways to deal with them. The most popular methods of fighting aphids include the use of formulations that repel the insects and reduce their numbers on plants. We recommend reaching for BROS Parcan, which comes in an aerosol. The product is intended for combating aphids in the amateur cultivation of roses and geraniums on balconies and in allotments and home gardens. Parcan works against the pests by contact and stomach.


A great choice will also be the agent from the BROS Naturally aphids and other pests pump spray series. The liquid in a convenient bottle is ready to use and eliminates not only aphids, but also greenhouse whiteflies, spider mites, honey flies and thrips. It works by immobilizing and mechanically cutting off the pest from the air. Regular use significantly reduces the occurrence of aphids on crops. It can be used in houses, on balconies, in gardens and on plots – both for fruit, vegetable, ornamental plants and herbs. The agent does not cause negative effects on the sprayed plants and at the same time does not cause the formation of resistant pest populations.

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Fruit flies

Fruit flies appear in the vicinity of fermenting food. They especially like ripe fruits and vegetables and are able to smell their food even from a distance of several meters. They feed in trash cans, sewage and even on floor cleaning mops. Usually, the development of an adult individual takes about 14 days, and death occurs after a month. Despite the short period of life, these flies are hard to get rid of from the home. One female can lay up to 500 eggs, from which larvae hatch in 3 days.


Appearance and occurrence of fruit flies


Fruit flies have a well-developed sense of sight. Their body measures only 2-3 mm, and are yellow or brownish yellow in colour, with a pair of wings on their trunk. Some of the genes of these small insects are replicated in humans, which has allowed them to be studied for Parkinson’s disease or cancer. Small flies without food die relatively quickly. However, it is worth taking up the fight against these pests and not waiting for their self-extinction. In addition to persistently flying around food and garbage cans, these insects carry dangerous microbes on their body, and then leave them on food that a person reaches for.


Ways to combat fruit flies


These pests most often get into homes through open windows or along with food brought from the store. Their larvae can grow up to 8 mm in length. It is worth washing the purchased fruits and vegetables immediately after bringing them home to prevent these insects multiplying. It is good to keep them in the refrigerator and throw them away immediately after they turn out to be overripe. In addition, you should often throw away the garbage and not leave open bottles with juice or alcohol on top, as this can attract the insect.


After the appearance of fruit flies in the home, it is worth reaching for formulations that help to cope with these pests. A trap with BROS Fruit fly trap with liquid refill containing a replaceable liquid with an attractant will be useful and is created on the basis of natural ingredients. The formulation effectively attracts these flies with colour, and when they get inside the trap, they have no opportunity to escape. In this way, it is possible to assess the number of fruit flies in the home and decide whether to use a biocide to combat them. The liquid does not contain insecticidal substances and works up to 1 month.


Another way to control the number of pests in the home is the BROS Green Power sticky fruit fly paper, which consists of an adhesive-coated, decorative glue and a container with a natural bait that attracts these insects to the sticky surface. The aromatic enticing liquid can be used directly with food as it has been created on the basis of natural substances. The trap works for up to 4 weeks and allows you to monitor the presence of these flies in the home.

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Mice do not need water to survive as they have access to moist grain and thus are able to satisfy their thirst. Indoors, they usually move along the walls. Great hearing allows them to pick up sound with a frequency of 90 kHz, while a human can only hear up to 20 kHz. These rodents have a good sense of smell and an excellent ability to maintain balance. Falling from a height, they always land on their paws and move well, including on narrow wires. A characteristic squeak is emitted for communication and during escape. The biggest natural enemy for mice is rats. For this reason, it is rare to find cases of both rodent species occurring in one place.


Mice – description and occurrence


Mice are found all over the world. In Poland, common species of these rodents are the house, field and scrub mouse. Their hiding places are nests in agricultural fields, under tree roots and burrows near buildings. They usually set them up close to the food source, especially in the case of house mice, because this species of rodent does not accumulate supplies. Depending on the type, the female mouse gives birth from 2 to 8 times a year. Several cubs are born in one litter. These rodents survive about 1.5 years and feed mainly at night. Their food is fruit, vegetables, cereal grains, insects and supplies accumulated in human pantries and warehouses.


A mouse that has made its way into the home or garage can do a lot of damage. In addition to eating food from the cupboards, they contaminate it with their feces. They also gnaw through cardboard packaging, destroy clothes and books, from which they create a nest. The enemies of the house mouse are many predators, and in addition to rats, they are cats, martens, birds of prey and weasels.


Combating mice


It is good to start combating mice as soon as you notice their presence. We recommend BROS MONSTER mouse and rat trap. The product can be used indoors and outdoors, and the convenient way of emptying the trap allows you to do without having to watch and touch the rodent. The design makes it possible to slide the trap to the wall, and the double entrance increases the chances of catching the pest.


In addition, we recommend using mouse poison. You can choose from granulates, cubes, pastes and grains. Using the BROS Mouse and rat cube, means you can count on dealing with this unwanted guest. The product is effective after just one consumption. The cubes are resistant to moisture, dust and mold, and a special additive protects against accidental ingestion by you and your pets. The cubes also have mummifying properties.

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Rats inhabit almost the entire planet apart from the polar regions. In cities, two species of these rodents in particular are widespread, namely the black rat and the Norwegian rat, called migratory, which is particularly common in Poland. Rodents are able to survive a fall from several meters and jump to a height of more than 1 meter. Floods are not a problem for them, because they will survive up to 2 days floating on the water. Despite the ability to swim and dive, rats climb worse.


Migratory rats – unwanted guests in our homes


The body of the wandering rat is about 19-30 cm long and is covered with brownish-grey hair, which is usually white on the abdomen. Rodents are very mobile and quickly adapt to new conditions. They live in dark and damp places, such as river valleys, backwaters, cellars, in areas under floors and sewers. They can establish nests even several tens of centimetres below the surface of the soil. Practically everything becomes their food. They like the remains of human food, kitchen waste, garbage flowing in the sewage, and even the excrement of other animals. Living outside buildings inhabited by humans, they feed on plants, frogs, eggs and fresh carcasses.


The female becomes pregnant up to 6 times a year, and one litter can number a dozen cubs. These rodents are considered very intelligent and can cooperate with each other, have a good memory and are able to replay events from the past in a logical sequence. Most often they live from 1 to 1.5 years. However, there are known cases of rats living up to 4 years. Their activity is observed throughout the day, mainly at night.


What harm do rats cause?


These rodents destroy crops and their stocks. They are able to gnaw through a tyre and make nests from fabrics accumulated in cellars and warehouses. These pests also contribute to the transmission of germs. Among other things, they are credited with the spread of the hanta virus. Specialists estimate that rat organisms contain from several dozen to even a hundred pathogens that pose a threat to humans.


How do you get rid of these rodents?


The fight against rats should be taken as soon as possible. One of the ways to deal with these pests will be to use of poisons that can be used inside and around buildings. We recommend BROS Mouse and rat killer pellets, which attract these rodents due to their smell of grain. They are effective after just one use, and the bitter substance in their composition discourages people and pets from their consumption. The product has mummifying properties and is available in bulk or in portioned sachets, allowing the pellets to be lined without directly touching the poison.


It is also worth trying mechanical ways of catching rodents. BROS Monster mouse and rat trap has a large size, and its design allows you to slide the trap directly to the wall. Double entry increases the chances of catching the pest, and the comfortable way of emptying the trap makes it unnecessary to watch and touch the rodent caught. The product can be used indoors and outdoors.


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Dark winged fungus gnats

Dark winged fungus gnats belong to the fly family. They are found in places like the home and are easy to recognize, because they resemble tiny blackflies in appearance. These small insects like damp and shady places. Individuals living in the home usually settle in flowerpots. In the wild environment, they are not afraid of extreme conditions and appear even in deserts and islands in the vicinity of Antarctica. They do not bite, and the life of adult individuals is focused on reproduction. Females die soon after laying eggs.


Characteristics of dark winged fungus gnats


These gnats usually measure 3-4 mm and are grey and there is an antenna located on their heads. Individuals present in the home develop in places like the ground of potted flowers. There they feed on plant fragments and algae. Some appear in fungi; others decompose dead organic matter. They can be found in decaying wood and rotting plant remains.


These insects get into the home through open windows and in the substrate of plants purchased in stores. Their presence is betrayed by the very flying of blackflies around the home. They are not difficult to overlook, because they are clearly visible and often appear around light bulbs or near pots. Their occurrence may be evidenced by the deteriorating appearance of plants, which over time begin to turn yellow and brown. Some larvae feed on rootlets, which leads to their damage and, consequently, weakening the plant.


How can dark winged gnats be fought?


Prophylactic measures should be taken even before the appearance of these gnats in the home. Newly purchased plants are good to put in quarantine and observe whether pests develop in the pot. It is also worth maintaining adequate moisture of the flower substrate and not allow overflowing. Wet soil is conducive to the development of dark winged fungus gnats.


After the appearance of these uninvited guests in the home, it is necessary to combat them. BROS Sticky sheet for flower pots in yellow, will come in handy and effectively attracts insects. It is used to catch houseplant pests, including dark winged fungi gnats, aphids, blackflies and thrips. These pests get stuck to the sticky sheet, which allows you to monitor their presence and prevents further reproduction. The product does not contain chemical insecticides and is not a plant protection product.


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