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Crawling insects

Microencapsulated bedbugs and silverfish insect pump spray

  • microcapsule liquid that fights bedbugs and silverfish
  • remains effective for up to 12 weeks
  • liquid microcapsules are carried by bedbugs and silverfish to their nests, thanks to which the entire population is eliminated

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    • microcapsule liquid that fights bedbugs and silverfish
    • also works on cockroaches, spiders, ants and fleas
    • for use, e.g. around beds and upholstered furniture
    • remains effective for up to 12 weeks
    • liquid microcapsules are carried by bedbugs and silverfish to their nests, thanks to which the entire population is eliminated

    EAN code
    6 pcs
    400 ml

    Know your enemy


    Bedbugs feed on blood and are able to drink more than their own body weight. They avoid the light and hunt their victims at night, while they sleep. Although they are not only a human parasite and also attack other mammals, birds and even domestic reptiles, humans are a particularly attractive host for them. They provide them with food, warmth and shelter. Larvae of these parasites are able to take blood even a few hours after birth. Their presence in the house betrays a specific smell that resembles rotting raspberries.

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