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Flying insects

Refill mats for mosquito plug-in vaporizer

  • refill mats for BROS plug-in vaponizer
  • one mat remains efficient for the entire night
  • effective even with windows open
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    • refill mats for BROS plug-in vaponizer
    • one mat remains efficient for the entire night
    • effective even with windows open
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      EAN code
      24 pcs
      20 pcs

      Know your enemy


      The overall number of mosquitoes depends, among other things, on factors prevailing in the environment. The reproduction and development of insects is favored by high temperatures, frequent storms, rainfall and flooding. The larvae grow in water, which is why it is in the wetlands that you can come across the most representatives of the species. Despite the various techniques of mosquito control, they must not be eradicated completely. They are an important element of the food chain in fish, reptiles, bats and birds. Their larvae, in turn, filter water, playing an important role in the aquatic environment.

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