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Crawling insects

Ant aerosol

  • product in the form of spray for the control of all types of ants
  • rapid insect elimination effect (knock-down)
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    • product in the form of spray for the control of all types of ants
    • rapid insect elimination effect (knock-down)
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      EAN code
      12 pcs
      150 ml

      Know your enemy


      The ant colony is, in fact, a carefully ordered society, and its members perform strictly defined functions. The duty of the queen is to lay eggs. In turn, the workers are engaged in collecting food, building a nest, caring for the young and defending the colony. Drone ants, on the other hand, are responsible for reproduction. Some species of ants possess stings. Their venom is not particularly dangerous for a healthy person, as long as he or she does not have allergies. Pain and redness may appear in the area of the bite, and the symptoms disappear after a few hours.

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